Saturday, September 7, 2013

              Now here is Luke 17:8 "But will he not rather say to him, 'Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink'?
 People can get pretty bossy and selfish. Even among Christians their are these kinds of people but, we are called to act better than this. Treat your neighbor as yourself, remember that one? I love how the bible is full of connecting verses and proves itself to be right. Some verses also can be taken the wrong way though. Like some who will take the word of God and make it into what they want it to say so that they can live a sinful life. Not only that but, they also lead people astray with their corrupt doctrine. There are many passages about these kinds of false "teachers". The book of Jude teaches on what to look out for. It says "For certain men have crept in unnoticed" These guys are in the church and the church doesn't even notice! It is sad that these people come in to disrupt the church and not to come to learn about God. They come for their selfish wants and desires. I'm not saying that these men cannot be saved, they can be and I pray that they will be saved. However, what they are doing is not in service to God. They are not serving God. Why do we serve God? Is it to find favor in His eyes? Is it to maybe get something from Him? I have heard that there are people who keep a score card and say " Ok God I am going to turn in all these points for that new car" or whatever they want. This to me is not only wrong, but also disrespectful to God, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE! Why is it that we think we deserve anything! We don't deserve anything but, Hell! However, God is merciful and treats us way better than we deserve. Jesus payed the price for our sins and because of His sacrifice, we can go to heaven! God is love and I would be a fool not to want to serve a God who does what He does! So I will continue to serve God to the best of my abilities.
 Praise be to God for all that He has done!

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