Saturday, August 31, 2013

        Philippians 2:8 now, "And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death on the cross."
        Jesus knew who He was! He knew He was God. He knew all the power He had, He could have just made everybody obediant to Him. He could just destroy the earth and start over or not ever again. I think that we often assume that God won't take our life away. He can! What is stopping God from destroying the earth? It's His love, and we are taking advantage of His love. We are not giving everything to Him as is "are reasonable service." We own everything to the One who gave His life to save our lives. I find it sad that some people say to God " thanks for saving me" but, then they go about their day like nothing happen. ( If this isn't you then I am not talking to you, I'm talking to those to whom this applies.) I was once like that, I would wake up in the morning and go about my day without even thinking of God and what He has done for me. I only talked to Him if I needed something. I only talked to Him if I needed help, obviously I was not in total surrender to His will in my life. However, I have come to a point of total surrender, and it was scary at first. I
had no idea what was going to happen. I simply said "ok Lord, I am here. Do what you want to do. This body, which you made, is yours." He then began a new chapter in my life and it hurt. I was broken, shattered really but, I needed to be. If He didn't do that, I would not have changed. Something He has shown me is that I had something in my life that I worshipped more than Him and that needed to be taken away. It hurt but, again it was needed to be done. Things still get in the way but, they are easier to push aside now. I have a much an actual relation with Jesus now and it's only getting better! I'm not saying that life if getting better, if anything, it's going to get harder. However, Jesus is with me, to help me get through the tough times and to lead people to Him. There are going to be storms but, the storms are not nothing in comparison to the eternal life I will
have in heaven with God! I encourage anyone who is living like I was to surrend to God and let Him have His way. It is hard, believe me I know it's hard but, I also know that there is nothing better than to be in the Potter's hands. He will neither leave nor forsake you. Please make the change in your life. You don't have to go on missions, that's not what I'm saying. Just let the Lord direct your steps. Just say in the morning " Lord please direct me to where You want me to go, to say what You want me to say, and to do what You want me to do." It's a daily thing too. Every day I get up I'm in a battle but, God is there with me, not to mention my teammates as well. I can prove the change in my life by looking at my first blog post, what a difference! I love God for His love and mercy!
            I will hold on to the promise of John 3:16 and continue to let God have His way in my life. Praise be to God for His unsearchable ways and His kindness.

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