The IBS today is Philippians 2:3 "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
Why do we do the things we do? Is it to help others or to lift ourselves up? Do we actually love our neighbor or do we secretly want somthing in return? These are all valid questions that I think should be asked very often. I myself like to help people but, sometimes it's because I want to be reckonized as someone great. Or sometimes it because they have something I want and I'll help them so that I might get it from them in return. We are called to love our neighbor as our we would love our selves. How often do we think of ourselves? I don't know about you all but, I know that I think of myself very often. Not too long ago I took it to the other extreme, where I would tell myself over and over these very words "I am trash, they are gold. I am trash, they are gold." The passage says lowliness of mind but, it doesn't mean that low. This wasn't a very heathy way for me to think, for I easily got depressed and let myself fall back into sin that I thought would comfort me but, left me in worse condition then I was in. Sure I was helping others for their benefit but, left myself out in the cold when I didn't have to. Love your neighbor as your self. It's ok to some extent to love yourself, for if you didn't love yourself how would you know how much to love your neighbor? My little sister said something to my mother about me and my little brother. Now my little brother and I love our little sister and we do things for her without question and hardly without thinking about it. So what she said to mom was "don't tell Tim or Sam I said this mom but, when they get girlfriends, who is going to get me gifts or play with me? Now don't get my little sister wrong, she loves us and I know she loves the time we spend with her far better than the gifts we get her. Anyway, my point is that I love my sister in a very heathy way. She is family but, also my neighbor. Something my sister also said about me specifically was, when I was filling out the application for Ignite. The application asked for two weaknesses and that was easy for me to fill out, too easy but, the next question was fill out two strengths and I was stumped by that one. When my little sister heard I could anwser it she said, " that's an easy one Sam they are honesty and generousity!" Now I don't actually think very highly of myself and I don't say this as false modesty or anything because I truly don't think highly of myself. However, to hear her say that without even thinking was nice to hear. To know that she knew me and what my strengths are is very comforting and God knows I needed to hear that.
I'll close with just one more thing, God has used my little brother and sister greatly in my life to show me these things and because of them I want to be seen by how they see me, not how I want to be seen. I will continue to be honest and generous for God and for my little sister. Thank you for your time.
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