Saturday, August 31, 2013

 Now here is another IBS, Philippians 2:7 " but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men."
 Jesus left everything to come down to earth and save us from our sins, let me say that again. Jesus, God's Son, left all the joys of being in heaven and came down to earth and to serve a horrible bunch of people and also die for them. I know a few people that they think they are doing a great service when they go on a mission trip for a week or two. What they're doing is good but, their hearts usually are not in the right place. Then they go home to America and say "what a great person I am for helping those people." I'm talking about myself actually. I thought I was a great person for just two weeks of service. Now I am here in Guatemala and serving people for 9 months and I don't think I am worthy to do this. Please don't think I using false modesty because I'm not. I really don't think I'm worthy to do this for God but, He has given me the great honor to do so. Not that I have some great quality or that God needs me, because He doesn't. That is why I say it is a great honor to do this.
 Now Jesus left heaven and everything in it. I didn't leave everything I had in America. I have some of my things that I could have left but, I didn't. Jesus takes on the form of a bondservant. I am here serving but, not like He did. I am being treated very well, not like a slave would be. Even if I get the job of cleaning toilets, Jesus washed people's feet. I can use a brush and some kind of soap for a toilet, Jesus used His hands. I cannot say it enough that No one can out do Jesus. People have told me I'm doing a great service and they are right but, Jesus did way better then I could do in my whole life on this earth. Doesn't mean that I will give up doing good works, it just means that I am not as good as Jesus and never will be. I will continue to serve as unto the Lord God Almighty and praise be to God for the great honor to serve He has given me.

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