Saturday, September 28, 2013

          Practice what you preach
          Matthew 5:19 "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
         Telling people what they should do is not enough. You must live it. If you tell people not to go over the speed limit and then you go over the speed limit, people are less likely to listen to you. We must set an example for those we are teaching. Most of the time, our lives speak louder than our words. I'll use my parents as an example. If my parents didn't love eachother the way they do, I would not want to get married. Because of the relationship they have with eachother, I want that kind of relationship. They not only told us as children what we should do but, they live it very well. So because of they're example, they're words have meaning. Now, I'm not saying they were perfect but, they didn't quit on eachother and if I learned anything from my dad it's this. Never quit on family, friends, or life. Also, if you're having an argument, be the first to stop and say you're sorry. Or in anything, say you're sorry. It's not worth it to be right if the other person gets hurt in the process. I would rather be wrong, even if I'm not, if it would save my relationship with a person.
         I thank God for my parents and want to be just like my dad and never quit.
         Praise be to God for examples.

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