Monday, September 30, 2013

        Background Miracles
        Acts 2:42-43 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles."
        Now we are a team of 18 interns serving here in fellowship and such. However, this passage is speaking of the 3,000 new converts! Over 3,000 people sharing bread and in prayer! Not to mention later in the text more were being added daily! Also, as they fellowship with each other, the apostles did signs and wonders! So a lot of cool things were happening all at once! I believe this kind of stuff happens today as well. Even though I may not see it or hear of it. It could be going on right now in Africa, India, Russia, or anywhere else on the planet. God does things in the background and makes a way for His word to reach people across the globe. I have read of people in India have had visions of God's word coming to them! The people God sent didn't know that when they came though. How many more things is God doing? It cannot be fathomed!
          My prayer is that God would send those He has prepared to hear His would to us and that we all would not shrink back but, be bold in sharing His word.
         Praise be to God for what He does in the background.

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