Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Past

          Romans 6:4-7  4" Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.  5 For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. 7 For he who has died has been freed from sin."
          My past is my weakness, knowing the evil I have done always beats me down. Every time a person tells me I did something great I tend to ingore what they said because I know myself and that I am not great. I tend to throw myself out in the cold and justify it by saying I deserve it. I will deny myself pleasures that I can have because of that way of thinking. I deserve nothing! I have told myself this so much that it has been ingrained in my mind. It is true that I do deserve nothing however, God is so gracious in His giving but, because of this mindset I push His blessings away.
         These passages draw me to tears, knowing forgiveness from God and that my past is forgiven is an amazing thing. My past should no longer hold me down and I should walk in the newness of life given to me by God Himself! I have died and He has given me a new body, that is not supsepible to sin. Not tha I will no longer sin but, that I now have a choice to make each day. Do I choose God or do I choose to sin?
         I do not plan on sinning ever again but, I am human. However, I will pray for God's guidance throughout my days.
          Praise God for His Forgiveness of my past and His blessings.

PS. I will be trying to post something new every Sunday, thank you for waiting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

God's Power

       Romans 6:2-3 " Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any
longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us were baptized into Christ
Jesus were baptized into His death?
       I'm back here in Guatemala and feeling great! We just had kids club!
Which was and is still amazing. Ministering to these kids is a wonderful thing,
also helping the staff here is good too. The ten days I was home almost seems
like a wonderful dream that I had. It was amazing to be home but, it went by so
fast. God's work is awesome!
       Well, anyway back to the text. If we have been saved we need no
longer fear or commit sin. God has given us His power to prevail over sin, to have
victory over it. All we have to do is make a choice, to sin or not to sin. I cannot
blame God If and when I sin, because it is I who has committed it not God. God
doesn't give us more than He knows we can handle either, so it is always my
fault if I sin. Again, God has given me His awesome power! I no longer have to
sin, not that I won't I am human after all, but it is now my choice to make. It is
your choice as well, if you have been saved. If have not been saved, first of all
you need to be to save yourself from judgment day, second I believe those
who have not been saved don't have the power to stop sinning. Not that all
unbelievers are horrible people, we are all horrible people saved or not, but
that they can't say no to sin or more accurately, the sin that always gets them.
Their weak spot. All of us need God's awesome power to not only be saved
from hell but, also to live righteously.
       One way to energize myself in that power is to get into His word
which I plan to do.
        Praise be to God for His Awesome Power!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Good Qeustion

             Romans 6:1 " What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that
grace may abound?"
             I've been home for a two days now and the old life is coming back to
haunt me. The first day I was home I didn't read my bible, that is a problem.
Because if you're not in the word, you're in the world. Not to say that I was
intentionally not reading my bible or that I was in the world, I was with my
family. When I got home, I noticed how much stuff I need on my belt or in my
pokets to get by. All this stuff that is nessesary for me to function here in the
U.S. Don't get me wrong, it's very nice to be back but, all the stuff just got me
thinking of things here. There are so many distractions here! I knew something
was wrong that day and just now found out that it was because I didn't read the
bible. Again, just something I was thinking.
              Shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound? If we sin, we can
just go back to God and get forgiveness right? So why not just sin as much as we
want? If this is what people think they might have to consider if they are saved
or not. NO follower of Jesus will just continue in sin, knowing it is wrong. So,
continuing in sin, when you have been saved by Jesus is wrong, obviously.
Jesus wants us to not sin, because He sees want sin does in someone's life. Our
sin that we comit does things we are unaware of, it effects people all around
us. So why continue in something that harms others?
             I don't plan on continuing in sin, not that I won't sin in the future but,
I am going to do the very best I can to not go back to the old life of sin.
             Praise be to God for His word.

Friday, October 4, 2013


            Psalms 133:1-3 " Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head. Running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing- Life forevermore."
            Now I don't understand much of the second verse, the beard thing but, the first and third verses make more sense to me. I know how good and how pleasant it is for brethren do be dwell together. I've been living with a few guys here in potter's field. At first it wasn't easy to dwell together, but as time went on I adapted and I believe that they did too. Tomorrow we leave for home and then to the field for 6 months. This is where things get interesting, we are used to each other and now we won't have most of our team with us to help with the kids or anything else. Not that we don't know how to do it, it was just easier with everyone helping. Things will also be quieter around here which is what I thought I wanted but, now I would rather have the noise and the fellowship than the quiet. I will miss all my team members that are going to different locations but, there is a job to be done and we all have no time to stop. Life goes on with or without you! The choice is yours to do what you should do or shouldn't do.
           I will do what God has me here for, even though I don't know what that entails completely.
           Praise be to God for Unity in Christ.

Just Love

          Acts 2:46-47 " So continuing daily with on accord in the temple, and breaking  bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."
          I often ask my self if love if is enough. Is love enough to help people? Is love enough to give what I have? Is love enough to go out of my way? Jesus thought so, He came, showed the way, died, and rose the third day for love. Even though He knew He would have to suffer for me, He was willing to do so because He loves me. I've heard the phrase " Jesus loves you" so much that it became dull, but in the three months here in Guatemala have given me a deeper and fresh meaning of that phrase. Just imagine what six months will do!
          Love is enough to come here and serve, I pray that God will give me His love for these people.
          Praise be to God for Love.

Self Sacrifice

         Acts 2:45 "and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone who had need."
         How am I supposed to put this kind of self sacrifice into words! The last verse was hard enough. Now they sold all they had and divided it! This isn't the first time I have read this verse but, it is the first time I stopped to consider it. I must say that it would very difficult to sell everything I have and divide the proceeds. This verse is telling me the unity that the early church had and how amazing they displayed their love for the body. Another example of what God can do in the lives of His people.
         This example just strengthens my resolve to continue doing what I can for the body of Christ.
         Praise be to God for yet another example.


        Acts 2:44 " Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,"
        The qeustion that I ask myself when I read this is do I live in harmony with the people here in Ignite, with my family, or with my church? Do I truly share what I have with everyone in the body? One thing is for sure, I do try. I know that others here in Ignite have shared what they have with me but, do I really share what I have. Often I want to keep what I have and not share it. I have a false sense of what I have, now that I think about it, it isn't really mine. Everything I have is God's, everything! So why should I keep any of it for myself? We are all in one body, even though we are different and have different functions, everything that is thought to be mine belongs to everyone else. For we are all connected. This is perfect Harmony I believe, that we all help whoever has need in the body. Not with a attitude of having to do it but, with a attitude of wanting to bless others. It doesn't even have to be things, it could be your time, your strength, and your mind that the body needs from you. The question now is, am I willing to do so?
        Yes, I am willing to help. In whatever the body needs, I will do the best I can to help.
        Praise be to God for harmony.