Proverbs 2:9-11 Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path. (10) When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, (11) Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you,
First we looked at the one who gives wisdom and understanding. Now we are going to look at half of the benefit from acknowledging Him as such. It is just as important to know wisdom and understanding and to know where it comes from. Because we need to know and remember where to turn for more when we don't know what to do. Turning to God should be our first response to anything. And I mean anything, whether it is a small problem or not. Even if it isn't a problem, we need to inquire of the Lord like David did. I admit that I don't do this all the time, but I need to. I am His soldier, and should not do what I think is best but, should wait for His commands and act upon them to the very best my abilities. Which, by the way, He has given me those abilities as well. Nothing I have isn't from God in one way or another. There is no way that I can boast in myself and that is very important to understand. And something we all need to come to terms with.
Now to the text, look at verse 9. After we identify who God is and what He does, in that He is the giver of wisdom and understanding. Then we understand why things are just, fair, and the paths we should take but, again we should ask the Lord which path unless He has already made it clear. We must understand that everything we do should begin and end with Him. We should begin the day with Him and end it with Him, as well as stay with Him throughout the day. However, beginning and ending with Him is very important. I have found this to be true in my own life, that everyday I began in His word and in prayer. Those days are some of the best days in my life, even if nothing went right. I had peace that all went according to God's perfect will and I did all I could for Him that day.
Verse 10 is very interesting, is says "when". I can admit that I don't always like learning and can further say that it is an acquired taste for me. However, "when" I have acquired the taste for knowledge and wisdom, things become so much more clear to me. Like when I don't understand a word and search it out, I understand what is being said and can answer correctly. I just went with the guys here in Guatemala to watch the superbowl. I personally don't care for football but, it was nice to learn more about the crave of others and God can further even that and use the knowledge we learn for His glory! We could later be mentoring someone and because we learned something we didn't like, we can minister to that person. "Be all things to all men, so that we might win some". I love that God's word is so complicated and yet so simple.
Now to verse 11. Planning ahead isn't a bad thing to do. However, God must, and I mean Must, be in the midst of that planning. Because, what soldier, or quarterback, doesn't bypasses his superiors? Does the quarterback make all the decisions? Does a private in the army make all the choices? No, all that they do comes from the one in charge of them. So, who is in charge of you? I know whom I serve and need to remember that daily, for if I don't everything falls to pieces. Know whom you serve. I mean know as in both meanings of the word. Know who, and come to know Him by reading His word. These are simple truths but, we need to be reminded of them constantly.
I plan to continue in proverbs as to know more of my commander and His will on how I should live.
Praise God for His words of wisdom and understanding, also that He gives it to us and we cannot boast in anything but, Him.
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