Monday, January 27, 2014

Teasure Hunt

    Proverbs 2:1-5  My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you,  (2)  So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding;  (3)  Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding,  (4)  If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures;  (5)  Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.
    God begins again by saying "my son". I know that king Solomon wrote most of the proverbs but, God is the one who lead him to do so. Just like any book of the bible, it is from God Himself.
 Now, in verse one of chapter 2, we see that God wants us to take to heart His words and treasure them within us. This is pretty simple to understand what He is saying. He wants us to read His word and memorize it. Not to the point where we just have head knowledge but, He wants it in our hearts as well. Memorizing His word is great but, ineffective if it doesn't reach to our inmost being. We can memorize the entire bible but, miss His message to us without applying it to ourselves. An example of this would be that of a Pharisee. They were seen as the most religous people on earth but, they didn't apply all that they had learned. They used it to rule over the people and fuel their own pride.
    The next verse is something that happens if you do the first. If you truly are seeking the Lord, you will incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding. To incline your ear to wisdom is to listen to it when it is talking. Wisdom has many forms too. God uses His word to give us wisdom but, He can also use people in our lives to guide us in the way of wisdom. We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we talk. The next part of this verse is pretty simple as well. To put in simpler words would be, to apply to yourself what is being said or to keep and open ear and heart or mind.
    Verses three and four hold the same idea but, one is like poetry and the other isn't. If we are really serious about seeking after wisdom, who as we have learned is easy to find, we will ask for good judgment and understanding. We will be in the word more often and listen to what others have to say. Be a bookworm, not the best thing to motivate someone such as myself but, we need to be a bookworm! God's word is full of treasures to be found! Treasures that will give us a better way of living in this world. The physical sense is true of the spiritual sense. If you find diamonds and rubies we would become rich right? Well the same is true of God's word, which is still easy to find, if we search His word we will be spiritually rich. Which is acually better than being rich physically.
    Verse five finally completes this by saying what happens if we do these things. By doing these things we understand what it means to respect and honor God. Also, we will come to know God. How amazing is that!
    I am still excited to continue in proverbs and seeking out God's wisdom.
    Praise be to God for His word which, again, we do not deserve.

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